Present your solutions to the following tasks:

  1. Choose one product from the list and analyze its user flow for the US market. Please provide a screenshot for each step of the funnel, including all direct communication, and describe any triggers if necessary.

List: — Amazon, — Netflix, — Uber

As an example, I’ll consider Amazon company

Analyzing Amazon user flow involves understanding the customer journey from the moment they learn about the service to the point they become a regular user.

  1. Awareness: Amazon's brand is one of the most recognized globally. They rely on various marketing channels like digital advertising (PPC, display, and social media ads), SEO, email marketing, and more to reach potential customers. They also benefit from word-of-mouth and brand loyalty. Additionally, they have Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Music, and Alexa that indirectly create awareness for their e-commerce platform.


The Awareness stage is where potential customers first come into contact with Amazon or become aware of the products or services it offers. Given Amazon's scale and the wide array of products and services it provides, there are numerous ways through which consumers might first encounter the brand.

Here are several key strategies Amazon uses to build awareness:

These strategies work together to ensure that Amazon stays top of mind for consumers, whether they're actively shopping, browsing the web, checking their email, or even chatting with friends.

  1. Consideration: Once potential customers are aware of Amazon, they typically begin to consider it as an option for their shopping needs. User-friendly design, extensive product range, competitive pricing, detailed product descriptions, user reviews, and ratings all contribute to this stage. Amazon's product recommendation system also plays a crucial role in suggesting relevant items based on browsing history and purchase behavior.

The consideration stage of the customer journey is where consumers evaluate different products or services before making a decision to purchase. They compare features, prices, benefits, reviews, and other factors to determine the best fit for their needs. Here's how Amazon facilitates this stage: