Present your solutions to the following tasks:

  1. Choose one product from the list and analyze its user flow for the US market. Please provide a screenshot for each step of the funnel, including all direct communication, and describe any triggers if necessary.

List: — Amazon, — Netflix, — Uber

As an example, I'll consider Netflix company.

Analyzing Netflix user flow involves understanding the customer journey from the moment they learn about the service to the point they become a regular user.


Here's an overview of the typical user flow:

  1. Awareness: This is where potential customers first learn about Netflix. Netflix uses a variety of marketing channels to reach new customers, including digital advertising (Google AdWords, Facebook Ads), social media, TV commercials, and partnerships with other brands or content producers. In terms of direct communication, the company generally relies on mass advertising rather than personalized messaging at this stage. The trigger for moving to the next stage could be interested in a particular show or simply the desire for a new streaming service.

The Awareness stage is the first step in the marketing funnel and is crucial for any business, including Netflix. This stage is all about increasing the visibility of the brand and its offerings, drawing attention to its unique value proposition, and attracting potential customers. Here's how Netflix typically handles the Awareness stage:

Advertising: Netflix uses a mix of both online and offline advertising to reach potential customers. Online, they run targeted ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, and on search engines like Google. These ads often highlight popular or new shows and movies that are exclusive to Netflix. Offline, Netflix uses billboards, TV commercials, and print media to reach a broader audience. The company is known for its creative and impactful ad campaigns.

Content Marketing: Netflix leverages its original shows and movies as a form of content marketing. By producing high-quality, exclusive content, Netflix generates a lot of buzz and word-of-mouth promotion. This not only increases awareness of the Netflix brand but also draws in potential customers who want to see this exclusive content.

Social Media: Netflix has a strong presence on various social media platforms, where they share updates about new shows and movies, run contests, and engage with their audience. This helps to keep Netflix top-of-mind with potential customers and increases brand awareness.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Netflix has also partnered with various other brands to increase awareness. For example, they've collaborated with consumer electronics companies to include a Netflix button on remote controls. They've also partnered with airlines to offer Netflix on flights and with mobile service providers to offer Netflix as part of a bundle package. These partnerships help to increase Netflix's visibility and reach.

Public Relations: Netflix often generates news and excitement around its original shows and movies, leading to media coverage and increased awareness. They also invest in PR activities like press releases, media events, and interviews to keep the brand in the public eye.

SEO: Netflix also invests in search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that their website ranks highly for relevant keywords. This helps to increase visibility among potential customers who are searching for streaming services or specific shows/movies online.

The primary goal of all these activities is to capture the attention of potential customers and generate interest in Netflix. Once potential customers are aware of Netflix and what it offers, they can move into the Consideration stage of the funnel.

Consideration stage.

In the Consideration stage, potential users are aware of Netflix and are now researching and contemplating whether to subscribe to the service. At this point, they are likely comparing Netflix with other streaming services, considering factors such as a content library, price, user experience, and device compatibility.

Here's what the Consideration stage might look like for Netflix: