Present your solutions to the following tasks:

  1. Choose one product from the list and analyze its user flow for the US market. Please provide a screenshot for each step of the funnel, including all direct communication, and describe any triggers if necessary.

List: — Amazon, — Netflix, — Uber

As an example, I’ll consider Uber company

Analyzing Uber's user flow involves understanding the customer journey from the moment they learn about the service to the point they become a regular user.


Here's an overview of the typical user flow:

Awareness: This is where potential users first learn about Uber. They may hear about it through word-of-mouth referrals, social media advertising, search engine marketing, or offline advertising like billboards or radio ads. Uber also partners with other businesses for promotions, which can increase awareness.

The "Awareness" stage is the first step in the customer journey or user flow. In this stage, potential users become aware of Uber as a brand and service. Uber's goal during this stage is to reach as many potential users as possible and make a strong, positive first impression. Here's a bit more detail:

Advertising: Uber uses a mix of online and offline advertising to raise awareness. This can include online ads on websites and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They may also use search engine marketing, so when people search for terms like "taxi service" or "rideshare," an ad for Uber shows up. Offline advertising can include billboards, radio ads, TV commercials, or print ads in newspapers and magazines.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Uber often collaborates with other businesses to raise awareness. For instance, they might partner with a music festival to offer discounted rides to attendees. This not only helps festival-goers get a safe ride home but also introduces Uber to people who may not have used it before.

Public Relations and Media Coverage: Uber frequently uses PR strategies to get media coverage. This could be through press releases, public statements, or media events. For instance, when Uber launches in a new city, it might hold a press conference or issue a press release to local media outlets.

Referral Program: Uber's referral program is another way they create awareness. Existing users can send a unique code to friends who haven't used Uber before. If the friend uses the code to take their first ride, both the friend and the existing user get a ride discount. This encourages users to spread the word about Uber to their personal networks.

Social Media and Content Marketing: Uber maintains a strong presence on social media platforms, where they share updates, promotions, and content related to their service. This can help them reach potential users who follow them or see their content through shares or likes.

Influencer Marketing: Uber might also work with influencers – popular individuals with a large following on social media. These influencers can share their positive experiences with Uber, encouraging their followers to try the service.


The goal of all these strategies is to make potential users aware of Uber and intrigued enough to learn more. It's the first step in turning a potential user into an actual one.

Interest/Consideration: Once potential users are aware of Uber, they might visit the Uber website or app store listing to learn more about the service. Here, they'll find information about how Uber works, its pricing, and the types of rides available. They might also read online reviews or ask friends about their experiences with Uber.