• Executive Summary

This executive summary provides a condensed version of the comprehensive marketing plan designed to foster growth and expand the market share of GroupBWT, a specialized software development and data services company. GroupBWT is committed to providing exceptional value in areas like web scraping, machine learning, mobile and web development, and custom business solutions.

Objectives The primary marketing objectives for the fiscal year 2023-2024 include:

Achieving a 20% increase in sales revenue. Expanding the client base by 15%, focusing on small and mid-sized businesses. Increasing brand awareness within the targeted industries by at least 25%. Achieving a client retention rate of 90% or higher.

Target Market Our primary target market encompasses small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the technology, healthcare, and retail sectors, located primarily in North America and Western Europe.

Unique Selling Proposition GroupBWT offers a unique blend of technical expertise and industry-specific knowledge that enables us to deliver customized solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client. Our USP revolves around "Data-driven Decisions, Custom Solutions, Unmatched Quality."

Marketing Strategy We plan to employ a mix of inbound and outbound marketing tactics, including but not limited to, content marketing, SEO, social media advertising, and targeted B2B outreach.

Budget and Financial Projections An initial budget of $50,000 has been allocated for marketing efforts. We anticipate an ROI of 150% based on historical data and market analysis.

KPIs and Monitoring Key performance indicators (KPIs) will include metrics like customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and net promoter score (NPS) among others.

Situation Analysis

Current Market Trends Remote Working: With the rise of remote work, businesses are increasingly reliant on digital solutions to manage workflows, making GroupBWT's services more critical.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Companies are leaning more on analytics and big data to make informed decisions. Services related to data extraction and analytics are in demand.

Automation: Automation in various business processes is becoming standard, providing an opportunity for GroupBWT to market its automated solutions.

Competitive Landscape Primary Competitors: Identified the main competitors in the industry. Identified what services they offer and how their prices and quality compare to GroupBWT.

Market Share: Estimation of the market share for GroupBWT and its main competitors.

Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages: Identified what makes GroupBWT stand out from the competition. Identified where GroupBWT falls short compared to its competitors.

SWOT Analysis • Strengths:

-Expertise in data extraction and analytics. -Versatility in service offerings, ranging from web development to custom software. -Established portfolio showcasing diverse projects and industries served. • Weaknesses:

-Potential over-reliance on a specific industry or client base. -Competition from both freelancers and larger agencies. -Customer perception if not enough emphasis is put on brand building. • Opportunities:

-Expanding into new industries that require data extraction and analytics services. -Leveraging existing client relationships for upselling or long-term contracts. -Partnering with other businesses to offer bundled services. • Threats: