Task: Describe the main strategy and brief plan.

OnBench.io can be classified as a B2B (business-to-business) platform. It provides services to companies and organizations looking for temporary IT specialists for their projects. Client companies on the platform interact with service provider companies that offer IT, specialists.

In this way, OnBench.io facilitates the connection between companies seeking temporary IT resources and service providers ready to offer their specialists. The platform simplifies searching for, hiring, and managing quick teams for IT projects.

So, OnBench.io falls into the B2B (business-to-business) platform category.

What is the main audience?

The primary audience of OnBench.io is companies and organizations needing temporary IT specialists for their projects. These can be enterprises of various industries and sizes, ranging from startups to medium and large companies.

Companies needing additional IT resources for development, design, testing, or other IT projects can utilize the OnBench.io platform to search for and hire temporary IT professionals. This can be helpful when internal resources are insufficient or specific expertise is required for a particular project.

The OnBench.io audience comprises companies seeking IT professionals ready to provide services and participate in projects.

What channel would you use?

Here are marketing channels that could be effective for our project:

  1. LinkedIn: As a platform that's heavily focused on professional networking and career development, LinkedIn could be a great channel for reaching both experts and corporate clients. We can share relevant content, participate in discussions, develop a company page, and host live webinars or events.
  2. Email Marketing: Email allows us to directly reach our users with personalized messages. We can use emails to share updates, content, and promotions, and to highlight success stories from our community. We must ensure we segment our audience to tailor our emails to different user needs.
  3. Content Marketing/Blogging: A blog on our website can help drive organic traffic through SEO. We can share advice, trends, case studies, and other valuable content with our users. This not only helps attract and engage users but also positions OnBench.io as a thought leader in the freelance industry.
  4. Webinars and Online Events: Hosting webinars and online events can help build our community and provide a lot of value to our users. We can invite guest speakers, host Q&As, or run workshops on topics relevant to our users.
  5. Social Media: Apart from LinkedIn, other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram will be effective. These platforms can help us reach a broader audience, share content, and engage with our users.
  6. Collaborations and Partnerships: Partnering with influencers, bloggers, or other businesses in the IT industry can help expand our reach. They could contribute to our content, host webinars, or promote OnBench.io to their audience.
  7. Affiliate Marketing: Involves collaborating with other companies or brands to jointly promote products or services. Affiliate marketing can include joint promotions, co-marketing campaigns, or mutual recommendations.
  8. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) contextual advertising. In the OnBench.io project, PPC contextual advertising can be used to attract companies looking for temporary IT specialists. The advertising can be targeted towards keywords and phrases related to queries about hiring IT specialists, temporary projects, or IT services.

What tools would you use?

To effectively manage our community and marketing efforts, we'll need a set of tools that can help us with various tasks. Here are some we might consider: